This part comprises 15 audio episodes and briefly describes aspects of my early childhood, music and my school years, university life in Cape Town, early professional architectural activities and post-graduate studies in London. (Episodes 1-5) .
My life changed gears after London (Episode 6), with the meeting of my life partner, Ronald, and our moving together to Switzerland, where I was able to pursue my dream of working with the International Labour Organisation. An intense and rich professional career ensued for several years, taking me to Sri Lanka and then repeatedly to Tanzania, where we researched and highlighted the working and living situation of plantation workers, women in particular. My specialisation in housing and women workers was perceived as an asset, and consultancy work for international agencies was abundant (Episodes 9 and 10).
During this time, Ronald was seconded by the Swiss foreign ministry to various peace-keeping missions in Mozambique, Angola and elsewhere. We would arrange to meet up when and where we could (Episode 11). Episodes 12 and 13 describe my return to Cape Town for a two-year contract with the University of Cape Town and my subsequent shift to the Balkans, to join Ronald in Bosnia which by 1997 was emerging from unimaginable conflict(Episode 14).
The concluding episode 15, “Nightmare and Dream” describes a profound awakening for me and the first of a series of significant dreams with which I have been gifted over the course of my life. The intense and compelling experiences described in these episodes explain in large part why my music lay dormant over these years.
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